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Come & Try - Tigers & Eagles

Date: Saturday, 17 February 2024

Time: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Location: AFL oval on Arthur Allen Dr, Bardia (enter vis Arthur Allen Drive)


In the latest AFL collaboration for 2024 the South West Tigers JAFC & Liverpool Eagles JAFC are calling on any and all girls and boys aged 5-12 to come and try this awesome sport.

Come, have a kick, and discover the excitement of the game!

If you're 12 years and above, you're more than welcome to join in as well.

No prior experience or skills are required - simply come and give it a try!

Feel free to bring a friend along and join in the fun, and after the session, enjoy a free BBQ.

RSVP through Tigers messenger

or contact Brett at 0414 269 802h

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